Events 2022-05-14T12:58:15+02:00

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Exhibition : What’s killing us? – “Living halfway”

... think about what life would be like without that ashen mediocrity that traps us, while he looks for ways to escape from the artificial happiness that always wants to tempt him through boring and predictable stimuli. You can't shake off that feeling that everything is done half-heartedly, just to [...]

What kills us? [R]EXIST!

Inauguration day: 9th October, 2021- 19:30h Antòn Roca, a well known multimedia international artist, born in the nearby Catalan village of Alcover, brings from his current Italian residence, an exhibit that he calls, " "EXIST"  a word that he overlaps with: " RESIST ". He is referring to the political [...]

What kills us? Gel wishing well

Within the series; "What kills us?" Jordi Abelló presents a video collage, exhibited together with "Foc de Tros" by Carles Amill, with the literary contribution of Glòria Bosch.

Exhibition: What Kills Us – 2×1

Within the series: What kills us ?, it was clear that we had to talk about pollution and the invasion of plastics. Two poisons that are universally destroying the balance necessary for the subsistence of the planet. We are all universally involved, we are victims ... and also executioners. The [...]


OPENING: MAY 8TH 2021 - 19h Anonymity is the preservation of a person's identity. It may be due to not knowing their name or, as in the case of networks, it may be a deliberate and determined strategy, to hide their identity so as not to be blamed for something, [...]

Exhibition: What kills us? – “THE FORGET”

OPENING: April 10, 1 p.m. The series: What kills us? It continues its course and this time artAMILL has the honor of welcoming the great and consolidated artist Teresa Felip. Dominating color and composition, her answer speaks of disconnection, fraying, isthmus, oblivion. Accompanying her, on the 10th at one o'clock, [...]

Exhibition: What kills us? -“LONELINESS”

  OPENING: Saturday, March 6, 2021. At 1 p.m. Until the 30th of march. Following the series that concerns us all this year, talking about issues that concern us and also kill us apart from the Covid-19 ... the young painter Xavi Pinyol strongly conveys the suffering of loneliness. Paintings [...]

Exhibition: What kills us? -“Insomnia”

  This time Ruben Perdomo, a photographer of recognized talent shoots at the target, expressing all the frustration and discouragement that can cause us insomnia at night at all ages. A very old and universal disorder of the first magnitude, which finds no relief on the contrary, seems instigated and [...]

Project 2020-21: WHAT KILLS US?

"Apart from the virus, there are many other things that are killing us" This is the presentation of the project that heads this period that we are living in 2020-21. Do not miss it.  

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